tu chemnitz bafög corona

The domestic quarantine can therefore be ended by a negative corona test at the earliest 5 days after entry. Outside office hours you can also contact the Central Examination Office with your request by e-mail. The building access for students to participate in approved classroom courses and exams (as mentioned in the hygiene concept) remains unaffected. web pages of the Central University Administration. If you do not have the necessary technical requirements in your home country to take part in a digital exam, please also contact the responsible examiners. This restriction has since been lifted for travellers within the EU. März 2020 bis eine Woche nach Wiederaufnahme des regulären Präsenzbetriebs, also der Öffnung von Bibliothek, Computerräumen und Laboren für die Studierenden, wird aus der Zählung der Fristen für Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten ausgenommen. Then the participants dial into the conference. If you offer an OPAL course for your event, you can integrate the forum there to discuss students' questions: To enable direct contact between teachers and students - similar to face-to-face courses - the University Computer Center has set up a server cluster for the BigBlueButtton video conference system. Students can find out in the course catalogue which courses are offered as digital courses and which as classroom courses in the 2020/2021 winter semester. the Public Health Office of the City of Chemnitz (citizen hotline) at +49 371 488-5321 or +49 371 488-5302. All members of the examination commission then send the original signatures to the Central Examination Office (ZPA) by (in-house) mail. Sie werden über Ihre in TUMonline hinterlegten Mailadresse informiert, wenn Sie das bearbeitete Formular abholen können. Corona wirkte sich nur gering auf die Ausbildungsmarktzahlen der Agentur und des Jobcenters aus. Therefore, some buildings are closed for public or have limited opening hours. All members of Chemnitz University of Technology are obliged to contact the Office for Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection (BfAU), if affected. This means for students: You can refuse recognition of an exam even after you have received the grade. The disease caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause similar symptoms to a cold or flu. The decision options are determined (e.g. Information on the decentralized handling of invoices during the corona crisis are provided on the website of the Department of Budget and Economy. Please discuss the necessary steps with the local diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate) and the Foreigners' Registration Office in Chemnitz as soon as possible and describe your situation in detail. This means for students: You can refuse recognition of an exam even after you have received the grade. § 12 Service Agreement on Working Time Regulations), Due to the feared steep rise in the number of infections after the Christmas holidays and New Year's Eve, Chemnitz University of Technology will be put into. Hochschule und Corona: ... Auch haben viele Hochschulen, darunter die Uni Bayreuth, die TU Chemnitz oder die Uni Freiburg, den Lehrbetrieb vorübergehend eingestellt. Where can I get tips and advice on the technical implementation of mobile work? Further information is published on the University Library's website. Consultation hours take place e.g. 2 BAföG must be made. Interlibrary loans can also already be sent as copies by e-mail. For questions regarding the creation of secret votes, the URZ now offers telephone support. The Foreigners' Registration Office issues a corresponding certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung) as proof. If this confirmation cannot be provided immediately, it can be submitted within one working day. From there, the medical certificate will be sent to the Human Resources Department. 1 WissZeitVG, the respective line manager can apply to the Human Resources Department for an extension of up to six months (reasoning employment contract in the period from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) or an extension of up to twelve months (continuation employment contract in the period from March 1 to September 30, 2020) using the usual procedure and stating the financing details. For fixed-term employment contracts which are based on § 2 para. Should I inform the university if I recently was in a risk area abroad or had contact with infected persons? before starting a journey, even if it is only planned for the near future. For more information on the New Year's stand-by operation, which will take place from 2 to 10 January 2021, please see the question: What is the current status of Chemnitz University of Technology? Homepage der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Universität in Hessen, Deutschland. How can I reduce the file size? 2 SächsUrlMuEltVO or exemption in accordance with § 45 SGB V or § 29 para. Only participants with voting rights can vote. Since 6 May, 2020, the Foreigners Registration Office of the city of Chemnitz is open for personal appointments, since 1 July the regular consultation hours are available again. On the URZ web pages you will find a step-by-step guide as well as a FAQ section on the most frequently asked questions about using BigBlueButton. The overview is constantly updated. specifically: to contain the corona pandemic and comply with hygiene and protection regulations. This also applies when, for example, exams are postponed until after the standard duration of study. all participants in the meeting can be seen and heard clearly. Approval by the crisis management team is not necessary. Since personal documents may have to be checked when processing the application and access data may have to be sent by post, the application should be submitted 14 days in advance. all those who must have de jure access to the session, also have de facto access to the session, and all those who must not have de jure access to the session, also have de facto no access to the session. However. The voting system is currently being transferred from the test system to the production system. A smartphone might also work, but the screen may be too small for some presentations. The following points should be taken into account when planning and conducting studies on site: Participants are not included in the calculation of the reference value for the upper percentage limit (contingency rule), but are counted as part of the maximum number of persons who may be present or active in the respective area at a certain time. special constructions for conducting meetings etc. With your office telephone you can also use conference calls and supervise several students as a group. Every person at Chemnitz University of Technology is obliged to wear a mouth-nose cover (mouth-nose mask) in the buildings (but not outdoors) in case of possible personal contact, i.e. To do so, click on the button “Record Slide Show” in the ribbon “Slide Show”. According to Dr. Georg Brüggen, author of the Handbook of Saxon University Law, "[t]he constituent elements 'meeting', 'present' and 'attendees' [...] can be based on a virtual understanding of a meeting, provided that this form of meeting is used as a subsidiary possibility and not as an arbitrary alternative". They are to be informed about the specific, currently valid hygiene measures. My arrival in Chemnitz will be delayed considerably – can I still start my degree program? A copy of the confirmation should be sent to the Human Resources Department for the personal file. These lists shall be kept in the respective sections for a period of three weeks after an appointment and shall be kept in such a way that they can be promptly forwarded to the university management for forwarding contact data to the health authorities upon request. Please contact Dr. Stefanie Müller (e-mail: stefanie.mueller@...). Also consider how to divide your lecture into smaller – easier to consume – parts so that students have time to reflect in between. Es ist Partner der Studierenden der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau (FH). Do I have to wear a mouth-nose cover (mouth-nose mask) on campus? Regulations for the employment of doctoral students in Research Training Groups with a 36-month duration can be extended by up to 12 months without incurring costs and without the approval of the DFG. The issuance of a separate certificate by Chemnitz University of Technology is currently not planned. März ... Bei allen durch Corona bedingten Vorgängen wird ein kulanter Umgang angeraten. anyone who want to be tested can do so in the following times: It is also possible to have a test done by your GP. Where can I find help? Since 1 June 2020 and 13 July 2020, respectively the following principles of selective and restricted presence operation and its second stage have been in force: For employees of Chemnitz University of Technology, the introduction of the selective and limited presence operation and its second stage means that…. In the case that you have already started your semester abroad, please contact the IUZ (e-mail: iuz@..., phone +49 371 531-13500) should your status, the status of your host university or your local situation change. on all stairs, corridors, and in jointly used rooms etc. For matters that urgently need to be discussed in person, please make an appointment at termin@stura.tu-chemnitz.de.. All relevant information as well as translations of the official announcements into other languages can be found on the coronavirus website of the Free State of Saxony. In addition, you can also contact specific persons by telephone and/or e-mail. During the vacation period of schools or the regular closing time of kindergartens or day-care centers, special leave/exemption from work for this purpose shall not be granted. Only a core team will be active on site at Chemnitz University of Technology in the period from 2 to 10 January 2021, so that the necessary basic technical and administrative services are ensured. It is currently low in large parts of Germany, but can be high locally. SLUB (vom 14.12.2020 bis 10.01.2021 für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen) TU Dresden; Uni Leipzig; TU Chemnitz; TU Bergakademie Freiberg If it becomes clear during the telephone call that you need further discussion or treatment, you can be admitted as a patient by the Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic (PHA-TUC GmbH) and receive psychotherapeutic care during consultation hours. However, the signed original timesheets must be kept and submitted in good time. Is it possible to submit my timesheet electronically about my work as a student/scientific assistant? You can read about these and other regulations in the Hygiene Concept (PDF) of TU Chemnitz. Christian Friedrich has published a blog entry referring to various tutorial sites for getting started with the transition to online teaching: e-teaching.org is a publicly funded, non-commercial information portal for university teachers: The Media Center of the TU Dresden offers the OPAL course “E-Teaching Grundlagen” for all universities in Saxony, in which the topics e-teaching basics, teaching-learning organization, media-based instruction and computer-mediated communication are covered. This applies regardless of whether the exam is offered in the 2020 summer semester or not. Are wages paid in the event of a precautionary quarantine (domestic isolation)? Everyone can only vote once. Within a virtual classroom, lecturers and students can communicate online. The Student Service Point, the Central Examination Office, the Central Student Advisory Service, the International Office, the Patent Information Centre, and the Creative Centre will also be closed to the public. If necessary, he or she adjusts the voters for this vote, for example, by excluding participants if they are biased or by adding additional participants to the list. What will happen to practical courses, which usually take place during the lecture-free period, e.g. sowie der Prüfungsausschuss, für die BA Europa-Studien sind die Fachstudienberater Ansprechpartner in Fragen zum Modul S3. Total downtimes may occur during peak periods. I would like to hand in my documents for enrolment at Chemnitz University of Technology at the Student Service Point. For employees whose current employment relationship does not yet extend to the (previous) maximum fixed-term employment limit, the extended fixed-term framework can be adopted in the course of a future application for further employment. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has issued a decree that BAföG recipients should not suffer any disadvantages from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Robert Koch Institute also offers further information in an orientation guide for citizens. This requires an informal application, which includes the confirmation of the line manager about the membership in the core team and assignment to a critical area of the infrastructure of Chemnitz University of Technology. You can find detailed information in a handout on the website of the Central University Administration. The Student_innenrat (StuRa, Student Council of Chemnitz University of Technology) provides answers to this question on it's website. There should be sufficient time between the individual lectures to ventilate thoroughly and disinfect tables, work equipment etc. If you provide the URZ with the user IDs of the committee members in advance, the data can be entered in advance so that the additional step is not necessary. Furthermore, persons with health restrictions may refrain from wearing a mouth-nose mask if they are not able to do so (e.g. Please send your documents by mail to the Student Service Point (address: TU Chemnitz, Studentensekretariat, 09107 Chemnitz). Why is it so important not only to contain the spread of the coronavirus, but also to slow it down? This is necessary, for example, for enrolment when taking up studies or for taking exams which are conducted in attendance. to support online teaching and examinations can also be ensured by temporary presence, if necessary. employees who cannot or cannot fully continue to use mobile work are only to return to their workplace - after consultation with their line manager - if they are absolutely necessary for selective and limited presence operation and if infection protection is fully guaranteed. They are in officially ordered quarantine. A mouth-nose mask must be worn when visiting the authority. Who is a member of the university crisis management team? If you use a current version of PowerPoint, you can record presentations with relative ease. Stephan Mühlig, Professor an der TU Chemnitz, gibt zehn Empfehlungen, wie man dabei den sogenannten "Lagerkoller" vermeidet. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Aufgrund der Corona-Situation wurde der Start des nächsten Semesters auch um einen Monat verschoben, sodass ich im Oktober noch Prüfungen schreiben werden. Students with hearing and visual impairments are particularly dependent on digital accessibility. My question is not answered here, to whom do I turn? The test result is available about two working days later. Information and offers on special questions about the coronavirus can be obtained from the hotline of the Medical Service IAS phone: +49 371 53362-0. Courses that cannot be conducted digitally (e.g. The usual rights of students, such as the extension of deadlines for theses, remain unaffected. For direct EU research funding (HORIZON 2020), however, a list of the respective working hours is sufficient for the time being. Please note that the current situation is subject to strong dynamics. However, the International Office (IUZ) is in constant contact with the foreign partner universities and can provide information on the current status if required. From 24 December 2020 to 1 January 2021, Chemnitz University of Technology will remain closed as agreed with the Staff Council (cf. You can also connect an external camera or integrate and freely arrange pictures and other videos. 2 Sentence 2 SächsUrlMuEltVO or exemption in accordance with § 29 Para. Therefore, requests from external interested tenants cannot be considered until the end of 2020. Shift schedules should ensure that fixed teams are formed wherever possible, i.e. Where can I find further information about coronavirus? In addition, the one-week withdrawal period has been suspended until the resumption of regular teaching activities. How should DFG-funded projects continue in the current situation and the resulting disruptions in regular research activity? Note: As a precaution you can wear gloves when handling mail. The Student Service Point is temporarily closed to the public. Deswegen sollte unbedingt auf der Homepage der eigenen Hochschule nochmal nachgeschaut und im Zweifel direkt vor Ort nachgefragt werden. Please contact the diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate) responsible for you. as well as by phone on +49 371 531-10000. as well as by phone on +49 371 531-10030. meetings by videoconference should be limited “only to the absolutely important points”. Is it possible to submit timesheets and activity reports electronically, e.g. Behandlung von Corona-Hilfsleistungen bei der BAföG-Einkommensanrechnung Corona-Finanzhilfen aus Bundes- und Landesmitteln: Bei pandemiebedingten Finanzhilfen, z.B. In September 2020, University Management leased 500 Zoom educational licenses for one year. Rather, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has clarified that delays in studies due to pandemic-related closures are a reason that may justify a delayed submission of the certificate of achievement. Each participant now receives an e-mail containing the subject of the vote, the decision options and a link to the vote. Until 15 June 2020, entry restrictions for travellers from the EU (member states, Schengen-associated states, Great Britain) were in force. If the employee works in the same qualitative manner in the home office and in the employer's office, the place where most of the working time is performed is decisive for the tax assessment. These lists are to be kept in the respective sections for a period of four weeks after the event and are to be kept in such a way that they can be promptly forwarded to the university management for forwarding contact data to the health authorities upon request. Förderpreis Montanregion - bis 31.12. bewerben. Consequently, business trips will only be possible as an exception requiring special justification and should be reduced to an absolute minimum. The duration of the business trip is to be limited to the absolute minimum necessary, taking into account the regulations on reasonable travel expenses. Robert Koch Institute - Answers to frequently asked questions about the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, City of Chemnitz - Information of the Public Health Office, Information from the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Information from the Unfallkasse Sachsen (UKS), worth knowing and tips on wearing mouth-nose covers. (Of course you can also enter a higher or lower value here. Corona-Soforthilfe an der HTWK Leipzig. Further advice and support services at Chemnitz University of Technology as well as a FAQ area with more than 120 frequently asked questions about studying can be found online. How do funding bodies handle the corona crisis? Office for Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection. The only exceptions to this are activities that are absolutely necessary and comply with the regulations during closures. Preis des Stifterverbands Metalle 2020 geht an Freiberger Studierenden. Information on externally funded research during the corona crisis can be found on the website of the Finance Department. oral exams (including defending and colloquia of theses) may only be held as face-to-face sessions if they cannot be held online and if the hygiene and protection regulations can be observed. Die Fristen aller Arbeiten, die ab dem 11. The same applies to the lifting of the ban on professional activities or domestic isolation. What are the general requirements for exams? From 24 December 2020 to 1 January 2021, Chemnitz University of Technology will remain closed as agreed with the Staff Council. If the non-submission of the proof of performance required according to § 48 paragraph 1 BAföG is based on the fact that these could not be issued by the responsible office due to restrictions/discontinuation of the university operation or with a delay, this is also not damaging for the receipt of BAföG benefits. Reasons do not need to be given. hygiene concepts of the organizers, companies, hotels etc. Further information is available on the websites of the City of Chemnitz. Six other students are subject to a quarantine order, Every person at Chemnitz University of Technology is obliged to wear a. mouth-nose mask) in buildings (but not outside) in case of possible personal contact (i. e. on all stairs, corridors, and in shared rooms etc.) When do the lectures and seminars start in the 2020/2021 winter semester? There will be a daily tour between 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. to the usual stations, the previous second tour is cancelled. How can I, as a participant of OPAL courses, communicate with my supervisor/lecturer via e-mail? Should this be possible in the future, we will inform you immediately here. Digital learning requires a high level of discipline, but if practiced correctly, it can lead to great success. If this causes delays in your studies, please contact your academic advisor or your examination board well in advance to find joint solutions. Can I use the University Library without restriction? 0371 488-5014 ... Corona. How are the approval of vacation and working time compensation as well as changes of approved vacation and working time compensation handled during selective and limited presence operation of Chemnitz University of Technology? However, in accordance with the Twelfth Open Letter from the President regarding the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) from 12 December 2020, the following separate measures have been adopted for the period of the turn of the year 2020/2021: Until 22 December 2020, the already communicated regulations for selective and limited presence operation will apply. Register a conference via the URZ website: Sometimes students can clarify questions among themselves without the need for lecturers to become active. Since 10 August 2020 the fitness studio (ZFG) is open again with restrictions. Diese Konferenzen finden einmal am 01.12. zwischen 13 und 14 Uhr und am 03.12. zwischen 15 und 16 Uhr statt. A medical certificate serves as proof of this. Inside Higher Ed has published several articles on the question of how, in view of the corona situation, teaching can be switched to online quickly but without chaos: If the tools from OPAL or TU Chemnitz are not enough for you, you will find a comprehensive collection of further tools in a wiki of the University of Halle: University of Halle: Wiki tool collection. Which processes remain in the current operation? The business traveller is obliged to strictly observe the hygiene and protection regulations and to inform himself/herself about the specific regulations applicable on site regulated by the respective federal state and to comply with them accordingly. Access to the building will only be granted after personal registration and deregistration with the permanently manned guards, stating the workplace and the planned duration of stay. Prüfungsausschüsse sollen bis zur Wiederaufnahme des Präsenzlehrbetriebs virtuell zusammenkommen und abstimmen.“ ... Das BAföG wird ganz normal weiter gezahlt, auch wenn die Hochschulen geschlossen sind. Online Platform for Academic Teaching and Learning, Education Portal Saxony: E-Learning Starting Guide, Guide for teaching and learning scenarios, Blog entry of the URZ about the workshop “Tests und Umfragen mit ONYX”, Bildungsportal Sachsen: Self-study module eExam on OPAL, Introduction and examples of the TU Dresden. This means that no special regulations have been introduced for the period of selectice and limited presence operation and that the decision remains the sole responsibility of the respective line managers. (Please, add a “0” before!). (cf. : 15-5422/4 (valid until 22 May 2020), point 3 states: “A right to emergency care exists if […] only one of the custodians for the child is active in the following areas and is prevented from caring for the child for professional and company reasons and care by the other custodian cannot be guaranteed: According to the general ruling, the “prerequisite for emergency care […] is that the children and their guardians, Point 4 also states the following: “Custodians shall provide written proof of their occupation to the management of the school or childcare facility using a dedicated form (Annex 2, available at www.coronavirus.sachsen.de). Reso 6. oder 7.11. In general, online formats are very welcome, as they can make it easier to reconcile the individual situation with studying. At “Play” select “Convert” and name your file – here you cannot enter a file name directly, but have to go to the directory you want to convert first via “Browse”. For time sheets and activity reports in ESF- and EFRE-funded projects, due to the continuing requirements of the project sponsor, the Sächsische Aufbaubank, the original documents must be submitted with the required signatures. Haben Sie also bspw. It is not necessary to register in advance, there may be waiting times. If it is negative, an application according to § 48 para. Übrigens: 2018 wurden 205 Auszubildende mit BAföG in Südafrika gefördert. to get to the GP or the test centre due to the quarantine you are subject to, but have to travel to the place of testing with your own vehicle, on foot, by bicycle etc. via BigBlueButton. there would be no danger of an abrupt overload of doctors, nursing staff and hospitals. anyone who want to be tested can do so in the following times: Opening hours between Christmas and New Year: Please also consult the patient guidelines for citzen of Chemnitz regarding testing for the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 (German only). Important information regarding the IT infrastructure can be found on the blog of the URZ. If this is not possible in an individual case, the following options are also available (in each case, the prerequisite is that no other care option is available): In the case of the closure of schools, daycare centers, or other care facilities or their partial closure due to the spread of the coronavirus: Provided that this does not conflict with official or operational interests, civil servants pursuant to § 14 para. The child is “ill” in the sense of the regulation, as he or she is suspected of being ill or infected according to the Infection Protection Act. The definition of tasks is still the responsibility of the respective line managers, subject to the restrictions described above. Each participant casts his vote. Die Regeln im Einzelnen To keep a PowerPoint file small despite the use of images, click on an image in your presentation, select the ribbon “Image Tools → Format” and then select the button “Compress Images”. For didactical, conceptual, or technical questions and for support in the use of OPAL please use the central contact e-mail: e-learning@... or the e-learning hotline: +49 371 531 13444 (Mon. This means that, provided that the shift schedule is consistent and in accordance with the hygiene and safety regulations, overall more employees than 40 percent of the employees of an area may in principle – but not at the same time – work at Chemnitz University of Technology to carry out the above-mentioned tasks. März eine Hausarbeit angemeldet, so zählen in die Frist nur die 6 Tage bis einschließlich 10. for people seeking help with very urgent acute stress and psychological crises. The main factor in the spread of the coronavirus is time. Schickt euer Video dann bis zum 04.12. per Mail an tuctalk@tu-chemnitz.de ODER Nehmt an einer TUCtalk-Konferenz über BBB teil und beantwortet dort die eben genannten fragen, während ihr dabei aufgezeichnet werdet. lending and inter-library loan of the University Library. Students can have a look at the current examination schedule on the website of the Central Examination Office (ZPA). The URZ provides a simple description of the procedure. What rules apply to persons with disabilities for the wearing of mouth-nose covers? I have questions or problems concerning IT. Which restrictions should I expect? How can student cards be updated without access to terminals due to locked buildings during the current operation? Die Abkürzung BAföG bezeichnet jedoch lediglich die staatliche Studienfördermöglichkeit, von denen viele Studierende, die wenig oder keine Unterstützung von ihren Eltern erhalten, Gebrauch machen. The basis for this is the strict adherence to the, Furthermore, additional hygiene concepts apply for, For courses, exams and events on site the, For on-site examinations and courses, the, To supplement the shift and occupancy plans, the. In addition, lists with the contact details of those present must be kept by the participants, so that contact chains can be traced if necessary. MP4 compresses much better and is therefore smaller than WMV. website of the Central University Administration. However, the team of the Student Service Point will be available via telephone and e-mail through their common contact details. The counseling center is a contact point: Counselling in the Psychosocial Counselling Centre is provided by two academic staff members, some of whom are in training to become psychological psychotherapists and some of whom are in training to become child and youth psychotherapists. Leistungsbescheinigung gemäß §48 BAföG (Formblatt 5) Sollten Sie für die Verlängerung Ihres BAföG-Antrags das Formblatt 5 benötigen, geben Sie dieses bitte ausgefüllt (persönliche Daten) in der Studienberatung der TUM School of Education ab. The general obligation to present proof of performance has not been lifted. 29a, 09126 Chemnitz). In this case, please contact the Human Resources Department (phone: +49 371 531-12200, e-mail: dezernat2@... CC: kontakt-corona@...) immediately by telephone and do not come to work until an infection has been ruled out. The planning and preparation of business trips can begin if no costs are incurred in the planning phase, or if it is possible to cancel travel services free of charge or to postpone business trips free of charge.

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