cowspiracy facts deutsch

2016, Stone, Dan. The Alliance for Global Conservation estimates 36 percent of all species on our planet are in danger of extinction. 2016 (New), "Shark Fin Trade Myths and Truths: BYCATCH". Also, any hint regarding the fonts used would be appreciated! Author: Nate from Vegetatio. "Quantifying Threats to Imperiled Species in the United States". They’re all great motivations, no doubt. Energy Global. 4th Quarter 2012 (New), "S. 3880 (109th): Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act". [XIX], "Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification". We choose to use in the film the widely cited conservative number of 2500 gallons per pound of US beef from Dr. George Borgstrom, Chairman of Food Science and Human Nutrition Dept of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University, "Impacts on Demand for and Quality of land and Water." June 13, 2014, "The Habitable Planet. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 2014 A.U.M. The global warming potential of the gaseous fossil fuel may be consistently underestimated". "Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK". I’ve been in contact with the team and they gave me the all clear to produce the infographic, but I’m not receiving any monetary incentive to do so, or to promote the film. 1    there was no consideration of the effects of raising livestock on continued warming, acidification, deoxygenation and therefore diminished climate regulatory mechanisms of our oceans or time lines related to potential detrimental effects on the oxygen-nitrogen-carbon dioxide cycling capacities. "Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas and its Environmental Impacts". November/December 2009, Hickman, Martin. Comfortably Unaware Blog. Cheers Alberto! • In 1965 the average American ate 166 pounds of meat and poultry annually. Based on data from 2000, the World Resources Institute estimated the greenhouse gas contribution of all agriculture at just 13.8%, of which “livestock and manure” contribute only 5.1% (based on CO2 equivalent calculations). 50. August 2012, "Improving Child Nutrition: The achievable imperative for global progress". When I have kids someday, I’ll definitely be showing them your comics 🙂. Copyright 2014 - Animals United Movement A.U.M. Pimentel, David, et al. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. Approximately half of the ammonia rises as a gas and generally falls to forests, fields, or open water within 50 miles, either in rain or fog. The attendees confirmed that the main pressures for the rapid loss of species—habitat change, overexploitation, pollution, invasive species, and climate change—were all increasing in intensity. USDA: Natural Resources Conservation Service. "Official statistics understate global fish catch, new estimate concludes". "How much do we eat, anyway?" Print. UN News Centre. Thank you for sharing it! "Water Resources: Agricultural and Environmental Issues". 71:818-826, "Water footprint of crop and animal products: a comparison". These are issues that are happening right now, not in some distant future. It seems like modern animal agriculture and factory farming is the one of the leading causes of many of the biggest issues we face today. Summary: The Cowspiracy fact sheet claims that a vegan diet can reduce dietary emissions by 20 lbs CO2e per day. February 23, 2006, Ceballos, Gerardo, et al. Agriculture at a Crossroads. 52, Oppenlander DDS, Richard. Such is the state of our society though. RCA Issue Bief #7. ), provides no consideration for increased indirect radiative effects of methane on atmospheric aerosols and particulate capture related to smog (Shindell et al. Water for Food. "A Review of Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: Perspective, Policy, and Potential". The statistics used in the film were based on the best information we had available while producing the film. "Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining". 2009), and manages land use changes (LUC) with admitted “uncertainty” and under-counting/reporting, 2    ultimately defers to a separate category for reporting of greenhouse gas emissions related to “deforestation” (20% of global GHG emissions per UN-REDD), of which livestock and feed crops play a significant role, needing to be added to direct emissions (80% of Amazonian rainforest deforestation and degradation, and destruction of Cerrado savanna since 1970 has been due to expansion for cattle, with another 10% loss due to planting crops to feed them and other livestock), 3    the global warming potential (GWP) for methane used in this report was from IPCC 2007, which was 21 at 100 years. 2006, "Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States". International Business Times. 7. August, 1997, Cassidy, Emily S, et al. Nature 418, 671-677. "Vegetarianism and the Environment. Vegetarians should look away". October 23, 2015. "Beef: Diverting resources to environmentally destructive uses". (New). USDA. United Nations Sixty-seventh General Assembly: Second Committee. Diet for a New America, StillPoint Publishing, 1987, p. 352, "Our Food Our Future. In "Cowspiracy", Kip Andersen investigates the devastating effects of raising livestock and animal agriculture. The statement that animal agriculture is the primary driver of biodiversity loss and extinction of species is supported by many discussions and interviews with leading authors and scientists working for the Convention of Biodiversity and IUCN as well as publications regarding current biodiversity assessments as presented by Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the IUCN Red List, and the Global Environmental and Biodiversity Outlook. I really hope it does. Center for a livable future. August 2010, "Did you know? We will continually update this list with further resources as they become available, "Livestock's Long Shadow: environmental issues and options". If you want to support this movement, aside from changing your diet, one of the best ways you can help make a change is to share information (like this Cowspiracy infographic) with as many people as possible. 607-615, Pala, Christopher. Throughout the film we are taken face to face with environmental organizations, including one I wrote for in 2014 that I’m very familiar with and hold a big place in my heart for: Sierra Club. "Protect nature for world economic security, warns UN biodiversity chief". June 2014, Davidson, Garry. It’s not like we have another planet to go to, or like we have a ton of time left B4 we have no more time. "Livestock' Long Shadow: environmental issues and options". Why going meatless is important". "Water Resources: Agricultural and Environmental Issues". Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline// Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences". According to an interview conducted by Dr. Oppenlander with Simon Stuart, PhD, chair of the International Union for Conservation of Nature Species Survival Commission: “Habitat loss from grazing livestock and feed crops is far and away the most pervasive threat to terrestrial animal species, impacting 86 percent of all mammals, 88 percent of amphibians, and 86 percent of all birds. Just copy and paste the code below into the ‘text’ area of your blog post, and you should be away. Thanks for your comment Doug! The Hero App. Build heroic strength, mobility & endurance. USDA: Natural Resources Conservation Service. "Give up dairy products to beat cancer". United States Geological Service, Pimentel, David, et al. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. About Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. Goodland, R Anhang, J. (New), Shah, Anup. 8 (Aug., 1998) pp. I know that many of you readers are already in the process of making the transition. The Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010 agreed that none of their goals from 2002 for lessening the rate of biodiversity loss were met. January, 2017, Butler, Rhett. Water Resources and Industry. Great infographic! November 2013, Loglisci, Ralph. "Pink Slime and the Legal History of Food Disparagement". 111 No. Agriculture at a Crossroads. Mongabay. 48, No. Not like we shouldn’t have all begun moving towards a vegan diet like – yesterday. Nature Communications. "International Energy Outlook 2016". Mighty Earth, "Measuring the Daily Destruction of the World's Rainforests". "Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution". That’s good idea, I’ll definitely look into that. 12 October, 2016. "Anthropegnic emissions of methane in the United States". Wichtig: Bitte hilf auch bei der Prüfung anderer Übersetzungsvorschläge mit! "Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change are...cows, pigs and chickens?". 250-500 liters per cow per day, x 1.5 billion cows globally is 99 - 198.1 billion gallons. Cowspiracy Analysis Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions has always been talked about in my eyes, however, when watching a clip from the documentary Cowspiracy that came out in 2014, I was surprised and astonished by the facts that were thrown out to the audience. 28 October, 2015, Geetanjali, Chauhan, et al. 2012, Pala, Christopher. Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector primarily involve fossil fuels burned for road, rail, air, and marine transportation. The Guardian. Cowspiracy Claims: “Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.” “Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of … "The Environmental Impact of a Meat-Based Diet". [xii] “The US meat industry produced some 1.4 billion tons of waste in 1997— five tons of animal waste for every US citizen. While I was watching it, I watched with the idea of how my friends and family would see it. Climate change is not going away. This is a brilliant infographic! Vol. I think making it to netflix could make a massive difference, for sure. A: Our goal with this film is to have the largest positive impact on the world as possible. "Do We Eat Too Much Meat?" In 1995, Hans Paerl, a marine ecologist from the University of North Carolina, reported that airborne ammonia had risen 25% each year since 1991 in Morehead City, 90 miles downwind of the hog belt.”, [v] -Dairy Cows, 120 lbs. [xi] A single cow can produce between 66-132 gallons of methane a day. Learn how your comment data is processed. Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow. August 4, 2014, Eldredge, Niles. Science. 607-615 (New), "NOAA-, EPA-supported scientists find average but large Gulf dead zone". "Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas and its Environmental Impacts". "A Leading Cause of Everything: One Industry That Is Destroying Our Planet and Our Ability to Thrive on It". of waste per day x 83.68 million cows, -Calves, 30 lbs. – It is estimated that 80,000 acres of rainforest are cleared each day with an additional 80,000 degraded, with 70-91% of that degradation for the livestock industry. 20 October 2015, Zielinski, Sarah. December 2015, Flanders, Timothy F, RN, CNP, PHD, et al. Fulton, Julian, et al. Well Cowspiracys shows the opera Winfrey example. May 2012, "U.S. could feed 800 million people with grain that livestock eat, Cornell ecologist advises animal scientists". Science Advances. Pacific Institute. Nickerson, Cynthia, et al. A lot of the rest of Cowspiracy does just that – the film is packed with plenty of real facts about the dreadful deforestation, water use, and local environmental damage caused by animal agriculture. Digital Download Order the DVD Blog Watch on Netflix Education Screenings. April 2016, "How much have you saved?" x 7.84 m.) = 39.2 million lbs. USDA: Economic Research Service. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Mood, A & Brooke, P. "Estimating the Number of Fish Caught in Global Fishing Each Year". Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. June 9, 2012, "Freshwater Depletion: Realities of Choice". [/block], Note: the facts used in the Cowspiracy Infographic were collected from and are accurate as of the 25th November 2014.Â, [tdivider style=”fa-bookmark” color=”#292929″], As you can see, some of the facts from the film are pretty crazy…. 5, McBride, William D., Mathews Jr., Kenneth. "Cow Farts Have 'Larger Greenhouse Gas Impact' Than Previously Thought; Methane Pushes Climate Change". Copyright © Luke Jones – HERO Movement – 2021. I wish they could have put an estimate on the amount of agriculture money spent lobbying. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Facts, Butler, Rhett. May 1, 2010, "Desertification, Drought Affect One Third of Planet, World's Poorest People, Second Committee Told as It Continues Debate on Sustainable Development". The creators signed on big name producers like Leonardo DiCaprio and Joaquin Phoenix in order to provide some … Post growth: From bigger towards better. Free from Harm. 4 minutes into the documentary, they tell you that cattle produces more CO2 than the entire transport industry. The Guardian. We have made it clear in the film that 13% of GHG emissions only accounts for the exhaust from the worlds vehicles. "Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution". "Brazilian faces retrial over murder of environmental activist nun in Amazon". "Study claims meat creates half of all greenhouse gases"., Message from Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf. Films & First Spark Media— Produced by Kip Andersen & Keegan Kuhn —Copyright 2014 - Animals United Movement A.U.M. Dec. 16, 2013 (New), Thornton, Phillip, et al. (USDA)” [section background_image=”” text_color=”FFFFFF” background_color=”#3F3F3F”], Resources to help you eat, move & live better. December 2015 (New), Flanders, Timothy F, RN, CNP, PHD, et al. You can download the images using the links in the blog post above – there’s also one of the original .svg file that you can edit in Inkscape. "Causes of Extinction". Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 8 November 2012, Oppenlander, Richard. "Industry Leaders, including Energy Companies, Forge Partnerships to Advance Climate Solutions and Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants". "World Energy Outlook 2014 Factsheet". "America's nine most wasteful fisheries named". [iii] 1 burger = 2 months showering: based on taking a 4-minute daily shower with a 2.5 gpm shower head. Predator Defense, Maughan, Ralph. National Geographic, "World Review of Fisheries and Aquaculture: Part 1". "Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change are...cows, pigs and chickens?". 326, 716 (2009). 22. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. "Overfishing: a threat to marine biodiversity". (New), "Meat and Animal Feed". August 2002, Wilcove, David S, et al. "Sustainable Diets: What You Need to Know in 12 Charts". Why are we encouraged to change our light bulbs, have shorter showers and avoid palm oil, but nothing gets said about our diets? After watching the film, I decided that I wanted to use the little influence I have to help spread the message as much as possible. It’s a bit frustrating. Well, according to "Cowspiracy" it's time to either put your money where your mouth is and step away from that burger, or find another way to self-identify. 2    the report gave no account for anthropogenic greenhouse gases generated by agricultural systems related to extraction or raising and eating fish–fuel, refrigeration, packaging, processing, transportation, etc. January 2017, Butler, Rhett A. 4 (ISC-2014), 1-7 (2015) (New), "Summary of Estimated Water Use in the United States in 2005". Making a Difference With Every Bite: The Power of the Fork!". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Raising livestock produces more greenhouse gasses than all methods of transportation combine. Not many people are going to want to buy it, and those who do might not be taken very seriously when they ask their family to sit down for 90 minutes and watch a DVD they have no interest in. 20 March 2014, "World Review of Fisheries and Aquaculture: Part 1". "Overgrazing". "California's Water Footprint". "Cattle Ranching in the Amazon Rainforest". of waste per day x 9.32 million dairy cows, [vi] Enough waste to cover, etc: based on 1 pound of waste per 1 square foot of land, “Animal farms produce as much manure as small and medium sized cities. New York Times. = 19,544.7 g per acre, DeBruicker, Julie. What a great infographic. Cornell Chronicle. 48, No. UN: Food and Agriculture Oragnization, "Soy Agriculture in the Amazon Basin". You can click below to sign up to The Hero Academy where you can download high resolution copies of the metric and imperial versions of the Cowspiracy infographic, along with the original SVG file for translating into different languages. *Total manure produced in one year is 3.475 trillion lbs. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association: Choices. "Saving the World With Livestock? November/December 2009 … Livestock xchange. "Key facts and findings. I wouldn’t really describe myself as the activist type. The state of our planet can be changed for the good by making a simple shift in our eating habits: By moving towards a more natural plant based diet. Thanks for bringing more awareness to these facts! "Sustainable Diets: What You Need to Know in 12 Charts". 5 bushels per acre x 60 lbs. Global Agriculture. Vol. Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 419-431, "Risk Management Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations". Public Health Reports 2012 Jan-Feb; 127 (1): 4-22 (New), "Strategic Plan 2013-2017: For Kinder, Fairer Farming Worldwide". Mekonnen, Mesfin M. & Hoekstra, Arjen Y. USDA: Economic Research Service. Based on rough averages of water at .5-1 gallon (.75 gallons) x 7.5011 billion = 5.626 billion gallons of water and 7,605 metric tons of food produced per minute = 24.143 billion pounds of food per day. Cowspiracy takes us through a very personal journey to show just how there is only one course of action that will allow this species to have a reasonable chance of surviving at the current population levels. Scientific American, Butler, Rhett. "Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices". EPA. There are many other factors to consider in terms of level of concern we should have regarding the role of food choice in climate change, global depletion in general, and certain applicable time lines as represented (or misrepresented) by the United Nations or any other governing or research institution. Streaming giant Netflix recently launched Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, a 90-minute documentary financed via the crowd-funding site Indiegogo and executive-produced by Hollywood star Leonardo di Caprio.It is the latest in a short line of factual features promoted by Netflix, which was prompted to make this acquisition by the huge number of people keying the title into its search box. Environmental Protection Agency. There’s plenty of reasons to be skeptical about global warming, not the least of which is that temperatures have declined or remained flat as CO2 has increased. A new documentary entitled, “Cowspiracy,” paints the beef business in a very negative light, citing cattle as the sole reason we have sustainability issues on our planet. of food per day x, Holt-Giménez, Eric. Vol. The energy/fuel inputs are similar. Compassion in World Farming, "Animals Slaughtered". “Cowspiracy may be the most important film made to inspire saving the planet.”. While the issue is real, I think the movie badly missed the mark when talking about the environmental organisations. This is a great tool to have, but it needs one edit (at least): About halfway down, under “What can we do about it?” There is a statement that says, “A person who follows a vegan diet produces 50% less CO2, 1/11th oil, 1/13th water and 1/18th land compared to a meat eater.”, Well, we don’t produce oil, water or land, but I get the point. You’ve already had a request for sharing it in SVG for translation – could I have an SVG version too, please? These cookies do not store any personal information. Chapter 4: More and Cleaner Water”. March, 2013, Worm, Boris, et al. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sudies: Global Forest Atlas, Vidal, John. United Nations Environment Programme, "General situation of world fish stocks". Food Safety News. Rainforest Relief, Reid, Walter V. & Miller, Kenton R. "Keeping Options Alive: The Scientific Basis for Conserving Biodiveristy". Water Education Foundation. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates from A.U.M. At least one current Bureau of Land Management air quality toolkit uses the estimate of 90-120 grams of methane per head per day, where 250 Liters - the low end of the cowspiracy figure - is equivalent to about 106 kilograms of methane per head per day. Fancy yourself an environmentalist? "Freshwater Abuse and Loss. In the film, Kip and Keegan attempt to uncover the real reasons as to why the impact of modern animal agriculture remains hidden from the public view. FDA: Departent of Health and Human Services. Common Dreams: Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community. The Vegan Calculator. "Ocean Dead Zones Are Getting Worse Globally Due to Climate Change".

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