Institute Secretary Tanja Untergrabner. To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. Institute of Psychology. Prof. Kurt Faber. Research Blog: Globalising Southeast Europe, Go to additional information (Accesskey 5), Go to page settings (user/language) (Accesskey 8),, Musikologie is a BA/MA program that is offered jointly by the University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, also called Uni Graz or KFU) and the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz, also called Kunstuniversität Graz or KUG). Begin of page section: Doctoral School Seminar at KFU Graz in the afternoon; 18.12. e-mail: alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: Contents: Theses. Rufen Sie im Browser auf. Because of COVID-19 our conference is shifted to July 19 - 24, 2021. Alexandra JAMMER, Lecturer of Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz (KFU Graz) | Read 4 publications | Contact Alexandra JAMMER Students can find here many scientists and have the opportunity to study where six Nobel laureates completed their studies. Universität Graz University of Graz treffpunkt sprachen - Centre for Language, Plurilingualism and Didactics Begin of page section: Main navigation: Page navigation: A CV can be found here (July 2020). Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m. Wednesday 14.00-16.00 p.m. Es ist zum Beispiel möglich, Studien- und Semesterpläne oder alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die an der Uni Graz angeboten werden, abzurufen. University Rankings. DER. Sämtliche für die Administration von Lehre und Forschung relevanten Daten werden in einer zentralen Datenbank gespeichert und stehen somit für alle Abfragen und Bearbeitungsvorgänge "online" – d.h. aktuell aus der Datenbank generiert – zur Verfügung. The university is located in Graz, Austria and is one of the largest in the country. KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ _____ Studienjahr 2016/17 Ausgegeben am 31. Andreas Kungl ist zuversichtlich, dass 2021 ein Wirkstoff für Covid-19-PatientInnen mit schwerem Krankheitsverlauf verfügbar sein könnte. TUG/KFU Physics Colloquium. Universität Graz kooperiert mit dem 60 Millionen schweren Fonds KHAN-I/wings4innovation . Therefore, we study transition, innovation, and adaptation processes within human-environment systems, with a focus on firms and regions. News 08/12/2020 - 16:48. To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. Find more information here. Repositorium Master theses, journal articles. 17) Evaluations 18) Discussion Forums 20) Personal Settings 21) Account Status 22) Login Log 23) StudentCard Image Upload. Sign up for Facebook today to discover local businesses near you. Frieze patterns. WLAN – eduroam; … Mo – Fr: 8:00 – 16:00 Infopoint RESOWI: geschlossen bzw. Zugang zu virtueller Software. Secretary Mag. Weiterlesen Onkologie: Fokus Lunge Wissenschafter*innen der Med Uni Graz haben den Selbstschutz von Tumorzellen im Bronchialkarzinom entschlüsselt. History and Society« (KFU Graz) (WS 2016/17) (Bibliography). To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. Jonas Potthoff currently works at the Section for Clinical Psychology, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Studierende können vom Arbeitsgerät aus mit einem E-Mail-Client (z. nur nach Voranmeldung Infopoint WALL: geschlossen Ferienöffnungszeiten entnehmen Sie bitte den Servicemeldungen. UNIGRAZonline wurde einem optischen Relaunch unterzogen. Psychologin Traunmüller: Müssen "der Machtlosigkeit entgegenstehen" End of this page section. Go to additional information (Accesskey 5), Go to page settings (user/language) (Accesskey 8). B. The subject deals with music and its different contexts. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search ; End of this page section. Helpful Outpatient Clinic – PsyAmb. Additional information: Montag, 9.30 - 10.30; Mittwoch 9.30 - 10.30. Outlook Web Access (OWA) ermöglicht weltweiten Zugriff auf Ihr E-Mail-Postfach der Universität Graz. Aqsa Bashir (Uni Graz). Dr. Jordan McMahon . Merangasse 18/I 8010 Graz. Home page at KFU Graz. Dr. Jordan McMahon . Opening hours Opening hours & locations. Uni Graz in the media. Universitaetsplatz 2, Top floor, room 004, 8010 Graz. Arbeitsplätze; Drucken, Scannen und Kopieren; E-Mail; Lernplattform, E-Learning; Online-Umfragen; Software; Speicherplatz; Uni-Graz-Account; Zugang zum Uninetz. Conference on Rings and Polynomials. To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. Starke Passwörter. Universitätsplatz 5, 8010 Graz Austria [contact details] [CV] My research group is dealing with ab-initio electronic structure calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and its application to a variety of crystalline solids. Universitätsplatz 3a 8010 Graz. To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. ExpertInnen-Pool ; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search; End of this page section. Opening hours Opening hours & locations. Top 200 Universities in the World; Digitaler Assistent ASK – ASK mobile Ansicht. Bei Problemen, die Seite aufzurufen, leeren Sie bitte den Browser-Cache und löschen etwaige… Speicherplatz. The cluster Media and their Counterpublics looks at the historical linkages and genealogies of new and old media, including news media, literature, film, photography, and social media. The library at a glance. End of this page section. Mit "Outlook Anywhere" können Studierende direkt mit Outlook auf das Uni-Postfach – ohne VPN-Verbindung – zugreifen. Ein Uni-Graz-Passwort gilt für 360 Tage – es sollte gut gewählt werden. 16:15 - 17:15 : The ... - Tuesday 15 December 2020 KFU HS 5.01. Begin of page section: Main navigation: Page navigation: Support Students ... e-mail: Web: Universität Graz University of Graz Institute of Physics. Musikologie is a quantum leap forward in musicology studies. UNIGRAZonline: neues Design. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz; Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing; End of this page section. Interesting Institute's Library. Additional information: Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. NAWI Graz. Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 3100 e-mail: Web: € 160 (info 2018). Go to overview of page sections. Web: Unser Büro ist leider nicht barrierefrei zugänglich. Universität Graz University of Graz. Um die verbesserte Darstellung für Screen-Reader zu deaktivieren, bestätigen Sie diesen Link. As head of IT and director of the organisational unit ‘Information Technology and Digitisation’ at the Medical University (Med Uni) of Graz, she needs to keep a clear view as well. Uni-Graz-Account. Study administrator Kordula Auer Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 2483 e-mail: kordula.auer(at); Helpful. Digitaler Assistent ASK – ASK mobile Ansicht. Office hour: on appointment Helpful Information for international students. Felix Dellinger (TU Graz). Austria > KFU Graz University at web ranking & review including accreditation, study areas, degree levels, tuition range, admission policy, facilities, services and official social media. e-mail: anglistik(at) Begin of page section: Main navigation: ... e-mail: karin.sorko(at) University of Graz Library . the buddy programme (Uni Graz and TU Graz) helpful information about Graz; organised events for incoming students and how you can participate; possibilities to contact us and; the ESNcard, included discounts and a free SIM card ; For being updated, also sign up for our weekly newsletter and like our Facebook page See you soon, your ESN Graz Team. Axel Torsten Maas Phone: … alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. Zu den Publikationen. Change your password only at a point in time when you don't want to access other services (e g. staff: before going home). Title: Mathematical Philosophy. Home page at KFU Graz. Where can I find it? f. Romanistik: 2007 - 2008: Lektorat an der Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (Armenien) seit 2006: Lehrbeauftragter am Inst. The office of Sabine Suppan is located on the top floor, offering a first-class view over the city. End of this page section. E-Mail. The University of Graz was founded in 1585, which makes it Austria's second oldest university. E-Mail: servicedesk(at) Monday, 14 December 2020, Kleine Zeitung Auswirkungen der Krise. The bachelor’s programme Musicology is offered in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz. Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium. University of Graz Library. Where can I find it? 8010 Graz e-mail: georg.pabst(at) To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. The Conference on Rings and Polynomials will take place at the Department of… KFU / TU Graz, Graz, Austria. Bei Bedarf halten wir daher Beratungen gerne auch an barrierefrei erreichbaren Orten am Campus der Universität Graz ab. Prof. Dr. Hans Deeg: "Boyajian's star and friends:Strange dips and an unsolved mystery” Head of the Institute Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Page sections: End of this page section. Map of the campus. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search ; End of this page section. Main navigation: With this link you can connect to your webMail Account. Begin of page section: E-mail: Address: Institut für Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen Universität Graz Didaktikzentrum für Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik Harrachgasse 21 (Zubau/1.OG) A-8010 Graz Austria Outlook oder Thunderbird) auf die E-Mails zugreifen. Research core aeras. e-mail: anne.schienle(at) STEP 2: Completed application form and study confirmation need to be printed off from Students are supposed to write a thesis in order to complete their studies. Map. Zugang zum Uninetz. Universitätsplatz 3a 8010 Graz. Additional fees may apply. Costs: approx. Main navigation: Begin of page section: Cluster algebras. Eine neue Insulinformel für ein effektives Blutzuckermanagement bei Typ-1 Diabetes wird an der Med Uni Graz erforscht. Online-Umfragen. 1-2 additional tolerance semesters at Uni Graz; Free online language courses; Information on the consequences of Covid-19 on Erasmus+ study periods . Starke Passwörter. Page sections: End of this page section. Archive for the History of Sociology in Austria. Comparison of the Curricular Modules at KFU and TUG . Nach Voranmeldung via Email! The Office of International Relations of the University of Graz is a centre of excellence that serves the bundling of measures for the internationalization of the University. : +43 (0)316 380 - 2000 (Mo-Fr, 9-16 Uhr) E-Mail: Begin of page section: The library at a glance. Publication services Publication services, Open Access. Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Seiteneinstellungen: Page settings: Begin of page section: My general research interests lie in the areas of: Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. The range of courses is broad, interdisciplinary and cross-academic. Helpful Info … University of Graz Library . Student Representatives English/American Studies. Materials of interest range from metallic alloys to organic semiconductors. Go to overview of page sections. End of this page section. (2017) Students’ Silence and Identity in Small Group Interactions.Educational Studies. Date Time Location Participants ; 12.05.2016: 13:30: Office Prof. Kunisch: Karl Kunisch Daria Ghilli Dante Kalise Diego de Souza Thomas Russold. 13.07.2016 tel: +43-316-380-5332 fax: +43-316-380-9840 e-mail: kurt.faber(at) Zugang zum Uninetz. Software. The Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research (SIS) investigates the transition towards sustainability. Classifications and Equivalence Uni Graz … Stadt: Graz, Fach: Physik, Inhalt: Surface enhanced effects, like surface enhanced absorption, fluorescence, or Raman scattering, allow for the ultra-sensitive detection and investigation of molecule-light interactions, eventually reaching the single mol Read article & Bridges, S. (2016) Qualitative research in problem-based learning in healthcare education: A review of methodology 2000-2015. Dezember 2020, Graz, 1,3 °C, bedeckt Corona-Ampel Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. Gesellschaft für Soziologie (GSU) Doctoral program Resonant Self-World Relations . Phone: +43 316 380 - 8549 e-mail: dagmar.schmelzer(at) Dezember 2020, Graz, 1,3 °C, bedeckt Corona-Ampel Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. Literature search Literature search & my account. Mo-Fr, 9-12 o'clock Contact person. TU-KFU Graz Physics Colloquium. Phone: +43 (0)316 380 - 3100 e-mail: Web: Dr.rer.nat. Uni-Graz-Account. UNIGRAZonline ist das Informationsmanagementsystem der Universität Graz. The office tower directly on the river Mur in Graz is a little inconspicuous. Begin of page section: NeuigkeitenAlle. Promotion an der KFU-Graz mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg: 2012 - 2014: GEWI-Dekanatsstipendium der KFU-Graz: 2009 - 2012 : DOC-Stipendiat der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Inst. Dipl.-Ing. Video: Brain and behavior A short film delivers insight into the work of clinical psychologists. MITTEILUNGSBLATT. Graz University of Technology . University of Graz; Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences; Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research ; Studying; Theses; End of this page section. Karl Franzens University Graz. NeuigkeitenAlle. » American ... E-Mail: stefan.brandt(at) Um die Seite besser für Screen-Reader darstellen zu können, betätigen Sie diesen Link. Title: Discrete differential geometry and checkerboard patterns. Title: On a Zero-Sum problem arising from Factorization theory. Lernplattform, E-Learning. E-mail: Address: Institut für Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen Universität Graz Didaktikzentrum für Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik Harrachgasse 21 (Zubau/1.OG) A-8010 Graz Austria alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media. 04.12. Lucía Rossi (MU Leoben). Arriving. Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. tel: +43-316-380-4989 Research is focused on physical principles that pertain to the function of biological membranes with the aim to aid the development of specific membrane active compounds (peptides). Jin, J. E-Mail. The institution has six different faculties and approximately 120 study courses. Incoming students. Die Übertragung Ihrer Daten über das Internet (zwischen Browser und OWA-Server) erfolgt verschlüsselt. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: Additional information: Research profile Uni Graz TUG; Pflichtfach:12 SWS: Fachspezifische Basisfächer: 8 SWS : Wahlfach: 4 SWS: Wissenschaftliche Methoden und Kommunikation: 4 SWS: Privatissimum: 2 SWS: According to the different classifications the following list indicates the equivalency of the principal courses: Table 2. e-mail: sis(at) Web: E-Mail: Web: Doktorarbeit-Eintrag Graz - Physik: Influece of nanometric surface morphology on surface enhanced effects . Frequently asked questions; Helpful Information Frequently asked questions. alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area ; For media. Go to overview of page sections Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz; Institute of Chemistry; Quantum Chemistry; End of this page section. Language Proficiency . Phone: +43 316 380 - 3238 e-mail: tanja.untergrabner(at) Web: Helpful Info. Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Seiteneinstellungen: Melden Sie sich mit Ihren UNIGRAZonline-Zugangsdaten an: Ein Uni-Graz-Passwort gilt für 360 Tage – es sollte gut gewählt werden. Research: My research involves working on combinatorial aspects of higher Auslander-Reiten theory. Vielen Funktionen von UNIGRAZonline können auch genutzt werden, wenn du noch keinen Studierenden-Account besitzt. Prof. G. Kirchengast: "Advancing fundamentals of climate change physics: new insights on global warming and low carbon society implications" 02.12.2020. Literature search Literature search & my account. STEP 1: After being nominated to Uni Graz via the network, students receive an email providing them with the code and the guidelines for the online application. Account reactivation Basic user Account ser name Password Confirm new password Attention: The password is synchronized into other systems. ... E-mail: jordan.mcmahon(at) Address: Institut für Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen Universität Graz Heinrichstrasse 36 A-8010 Graz Austria Publications: Conferences: Teaching; Curriculum Vitae . Jin, J. Alle Informationen rund um die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Verbindung mit der Universität Graz gesammelt und aufbereitet Covid-19-Hotline der Universität Graz: Tel. Servicemeldungen Alle . Erste Erfolge im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus. Speicherplatz. 328-342. Contact Institute of Physics Universitaetsplatz 5 8010 Graz, Austria. Partner institutions Stays in the academic year 2021/22 Below you can find the lists of places, for which you could apply from mid-December (the exact date will be set later due to outstanding Erasmus regulations) until January 21, 2021. Center for Social Research. Neuer Einstieg ohne spezielles Programm möglich. Seit 1585 prägt sie den Wissenschaftsstandort Graz und baut Brücken nach Südosteuropa. Die Karl-Franzens-Universität ist die größte und älteste Universität der Steiermark. Begin of page section: It examines the complex dynamics between media and different forms of publics and counterpublics. TUG/KFU Physics Colloquium Winter 2020 Tuesday 06 October 2020 . e-mail: Software. 11.12. Page settings: Begin of page section: Lernplattform, E-Learning. Online-Umfragen. Dagmar Schmelzer. Homological algebra. Hannes Leitgeb (Uni München). Excellence Award. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz ; Search; End of this page section. Students who must apply for the residence permit before travelling to Graz have to send their Uni Graz application documents timely enough to receive the Acceptance & Residence Permit letters by regular mail. Zugang zu virtueller Software. ExpertInnen-Pool; Press + Communication Office; picture library; press releases; AirCampus-Graz; Search; End of this page section. College & University. alumni UNI graz; Become a member; events; graduation ceremony; member area; For media.
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